Elevated liver enzymes opiates

What does elevated coumadin level mean.
The PT/INR blood test showed thinner than normal blood for a patient taking Coumadin. This indicates elevated Coumadin levels and the Coumadin needs to be adjusted to

Article on chocolate as a psychoactive food, references, and links to supporting and additional information.
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an opiate is any substance that comes from opium, and the opium poppy. heroin, morphine, codeine, hydrocodone(vicodin), oxycodone(oxycontin,percocet), fentanyl Had some blood work done. I am a moderate drinker and have been for about 10 years. The 'main' liver count was 52 and my doctor said normal should be 44. Is this just
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Elevated liver enzymes opiates
Elevated liver enzymes opiates
What Causes Elevated Liver Enzymes Liver Function .